Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why Blog?

Why Blog?

From what I have seen online lately it looks like all stay at home moms blog!  It must be in our genes because within a week of becoming a stay at home mom I started to feel the itch to start a blog.  I wasn't really sure what to blog about at first so that is why it has taken me more than a month to get started...

At first I thought I wanted to make a blog that was really funny because let's face it...I'm hilarious!  And no Treesha, I am not just hilarious after a Mambo Taxi... I'm always hilarious.  Sometimes I just keep the hilarity to myself.  Usually that is because my hilarious jokes don't come to me until about 5 hours after the original incident.  I guess I'm not that hilarious afterall.

Then it hit me!  Little Maddox.  I could do a blog about the adventures (and misadventures) of little Maddox toddling around.  But, even though I am a little bit hilarious and he is really adorable and it would probably be a super cute blog, I should give the guy his privacy.  I don't want poor high school Maddox to be taunted by bath tub pictures and silly stories that Mommy posted years ago when some weirdo classmates finds this ancient blog on the internet.  Of course Maddox can make the occasional appearance in my blog, but it is only right for me to let him tell his own story!

 See, there he is!  I can't believe this cutie is already 1!

My options were getting smaller and smaller so I just continued to enjoy my summer hanging out with my little guy, cooking new dishes that I found on Pinterest, taking the little man to swim lessons, sewing things that I found on Pinterest...and then it came to me!  I have to blog about Pinterest! 

Maddox is still in that stage where he takes two solid naps a day (most of the time) and I love to use those naps to try things I've found on Pinterest.  Sometimes they turn out amazing and sometimes the end up in the garbage. (Sometimes they turn out so bad they end up in the outdoor garbage so that there is no evidence of the disaster left in the house by the time Konrad gets home from work!)

So, that is how my new blog: I'll Try Any Pin Once was born. When I try something from Pinterest I will document it for you and let you know how it goes.  Then you can decide if you want to try it!  Plus, I have found a lot of pins without tutorials and I just attempt to create something from looking at it.  Sometimes that is really hard and takes several attempts before I can get a decent product.  So, I'll let you learn from my mistakes.

By the way, I know that my idea is not incredibly original and I am not the first person to come up with a blog like this.  I see the other blogs firsthand as I browse through pins trying to find something new to eat or create.  Also, as kind of hilarious as it is I'll Try Any Pin Once was not my first choice for my blog title.  I tried about 15 names with the word Pin in it before I found one that wasn't taken.  So don't worry if I get bored with this blog thing after 2 or 3 entries.  There will always be another blog (or 50) out there waiting for you! 

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