Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Olive the Dog on Pinterest

So, this week's posts are not very traditional so far (if you can establish a tradition in just two weeks), but I am mid-projects right now and waiting on some supplies to arrive in the mail.  I ordered some fabric to make some DIY Fake Roman Shades for the living room and I ordered some 12X12 prints to use in a project for my Pinterest Wall.  But I promise this post is Pinterest related!

 We adopted Olive from the Montgomery County Animal Shelter in April of 2008.  She was by far the cutest pup in the bunch, but we had no idea what kind of dog she was.  As you can see in this picture her ears were down when we first got her...

 Olive at 4 Months

Once her ears started to stand up people made suggestions that she might be some kind of dingo.  We googled dingos and we could definitely see the resemblance.

Then we one day Konrad read something about the American Dingo, AKA the Carolina Dog.  Carolina dogs look a lot less wild and some of them even have the white print on their chest and feet like Olive does.

Even though we know she is a mutt when people ask what type of dog she is we just say that she is part Carolina Dog since it is the closest thing we have seen.
From time to time I like to google Carolina Dog and see pictures of her look-a-likes.  I am not really sure why I do this.  I guess I am just waiting for a day when I find a picture of one that looks exactly like her here in The Woodlands and I will have found her long lost family member.  Or maybe I just think they are really cute.
Well, the other day I decided to use the explore feature on Pinterest to look up Carolina Dogs.  The top picture that came up in the results was this...

This was not an Olive look-a-like.  I know this for a fact because I took this picture.  This is my Olive.  I followed the link and it took me to this website.  GotPetsOnline.com
I vaguely remember posting a photo of Olive on this website in the category of Carolina Dog when we first discovered that's what she is.  I was reassured that I made the post when I saw her owners (Kristy and Konrad) listed and her full name (Olive Coco).  

Then it dawned on me.  I did not turn this post into a Pin.  That means that someone else was looking at her picture and thought what I think everyday, 'Man, that is one cute dog!" and decided to turn her into a Pin.  Not only that, but she was repinned 6 times before I even found her and of course repinned her myself!
I guess that even on the internet it is a small world we live in!!
Here is a picture of my first baby all grown up...
Olive at 3 1/2 years


1 comment:

  1. This is my first grandchild. I love her too! (I am also a dog mom to a dog that may be part Carolina Dog) :-)
