Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Documenting Baby: Part 1

Have you ever come across a Pin of something that you have already tried or that you have been doing for years?  It's a great feeling to know that you had some sort of creative bone in your body even before discovering the great world of Pinterest.  That happened to me just after Maddox was born.  

I didn't stumble upon Pinterest until after he was born and I had already began the process of "Documenting Baby".  If anyone knows me well they know that I do not like to hang onto things for no reason.  (In my house AND my classroom.)  I try not to attach too much sentimental value to things because things don't always last forever.  I do however like the idea of preserving memories. 

So, before Maddox was born I purchased a small under-bed storage container that I intended to use as his baby keepsake box.  I realize now that I will eventually have to get a bigger box, but for now just the one will do.  More about the baby box in Documenting Baby: Part 2.  The point the box is small and I do not plan to fill it with enormous baby books or scrapbooks.  

My mother-in-law did buy Maddox a thin baby book from Carter's that I have been filling out as he gets older.

It is the perfect size and has a place to list all of the big achievements as the first few years go by.  But, there are only so many pictures that you can put in here.  Luckily, I started my own baby documentation before Maddox even arrived. 

The day we found out Maddox was on his way (4 weeks pregnant) I asked Konrad to take a picture of my profile.  Of course I didn't look pregnant that early, but I wanted to have a picture (in the same outfit, against the same wall) every week until he was born.  

4 weeks

I kept doing this up until his due date which came and went.  He was born at 41 weeks, but there was no time for pictures that day!

40 weeks

So, that was step one of "Documenting Baby".  Now remember this was Pre-Pinterest so I came up with this next idea all on my own!  (Even though I have seen similar ideas since then.)  

We had really enjoyed the trip to Aruba we took in Spring of 2010.  In fact it was (and still is) our favorite trip of all time.  We plan to go back in 2016 for our 10 year anniversary!  We loved it so much that I went to and made us this adorable picture book.  It was really easy and not that expensive.

Sorry about the picture quality here.  I am not the best photographer to begin with, but taking pictures of pictures is definitely not my specialty!

Step 2 of "Documenting Baby" was to use the pictures that we took each week to tell a story which I titled "Waiting for Maddox".  This was a work in progress that I started after we found out he was a boy (at about week 20) and didn't complete until right after he was born.

The photo section on is pretty self explanatory, but here are some pictures of the completed project to inspire you to make your own!

 The front cover has a cut out so that you can see the picture on the title page.  These are really sturdy hard cover books!

 "Waiting for Maddox"

 Of course it starts out with the story of our family pre-baby.  (And of course I didn't leave off my first baby, Olive!)

I wrote it to read like a story and it includes all of the important dates (when we found out, sonograms, gender reveal, etc.) and I also included pictures of friends and family who were also patiently "Waiting for Maddox".  

 Here are the belly pics.  The continue throughout the whole book.  I tried to correlate the weeks of each picture to what was happening at that part of the story.  

 I included all of the sonogram pictures including this first one at 9 weeks.  

 I also took pictures of the nursery as it was being completed.  

 These 3D pictures were amazing.  He still makes some of those same expressions!

 I added pictures from both of my showers and even both of the yummy cakes!

 You can tell by my belly here we are getting close to the end.

 At the very end I added this picture of Maddox at birth with all of his stats.  The final page (not pictured) is a picture of Maddox, Konrad, and I in the hospital and it reads, "...they all lived happily ever after."

So, that is our little fairytale about waiting for our little prince.

I was really proud of my little book and then I saw this on Pinterest...

This Pin along with the following was my inspiration for Maddox's baby book that I made to document his first year.

So, I kept Maddox's pictures in monthly folders on our computer and I kept a word document about what happened during each month.  Then I started "Maddox's First Year".

I used a picture of him from his one year photo shoot that we did at the park for the title page.  It's my favorite because it looks like he is telling everyone that he is in fact ONE!

I started with hospital pictures and a photo from his newborn session.  The text on the right page documents his stats and the details of his birth.  (Nothing gross... don't worry!)

Throughout the book I kept a very similar format.  The left page is 4 photos of things that happened during the month.  The right page is an enlarged picture from his monthly anniversary shoot.  My friend Amy had given me these awesome onesie stickers that I used for each of those pictures.  I managed to remember (thanks to a reminder on my phone) and get a picture on the 16th of each month!  I also wrote about the things that he learned or that we did during the month.  I tried to include all of the big "firsts" as the book went on.

Month 5

 Month 10- Toward the end it was harder and harder to pin him down for these monthly photo shoots. 

Near the end I added a page of random pictures from each month that were not included in the book and made a "Watch Me Grow" page.  It is neat to see the transformation all on one page.  The right page is pictures from his birthday party.

The back cover is some of the best pictures from his one year photo shoot.

I know that everyone's idea of what they want to remember is different.  These books are perfect for me because there are no loose parts, they were easy, and they are slim!  

I haven't quite decided what I will do as Maddox gets older.  I may do a family yearbook or I may continue to make each child his/her own book for each year.  But, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.  For now, I LOVE these books and I am happy with what I have so far.  I hope this serves as some inspiration for you whether you are expecting a baby or have folders of pictures on your computer that you were wondering what to do with. 

Come back soon for Documenting Baby: Part 2 where I talk more about that big baby box and what to do with all of those cards!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fork Cake Pops!

Last month I posted a how-to of my Oreo Cakeballs.

I told you how I wasn't the biggest fan of cakeballs, but they seem to be really popular with everyone else.  They are so popular that my chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma (a teaching organization) is planning to sell them at a fundraiser this weekend in order to bulk up our scholarship fund.  

We chose to make a classic chocolate combination of yellow cake, chocolate icing, and chocolate coating and we plan to sell them in groups of 4 for $5.  We also decided that it would be a good idea to sell individual cake pops in other flavor combos for $2 each.  Since this was for a fundraiser and the whole point was to raise money we thought it would be best to use plastic forks instead of the more expensive lollipop sticks.  

I only have only made one kind of "pop" treat before and that was when I bought a Pillsbury kit and attempted to make brownie pops.  They tasted fine, but did not look very good so I was a little nervous about trying cake pops for the fundraiser.  But, they actually turned out pretty great!!  Here's what I did...

I started the same way I do with cakeballs and baked a cake and mixed in icing.  For more directions, click here.

Then I formed the ball and inserted the plastic spoon near the base.

I made the cake pops bigger than  I do cakeballs since we plan to sell them for $2 each and I wanted people to get their money worth.  Even though they were bigger than normal they were still not big enough to fit the entire length of the prongs inside without having them pop out the other side.  You can see that I only put the prongs part of the way through the ball, but I still made sure there was enough prong to fully support the cakeball.  I felt much better about these than I did the brownie pops.  The fork is much more stable than a tiny candy stick!

After that I let them freeze like I normally do for cakeballs.

You can see that they took up a lot of room with all of those fork handles in the way.  I had to use two trays instead of one!

After they froze for a few hours I took them out to dip.

These were much easier than cakeballs to dip because I didn't have to worry about them following into the coating.  I did use a spoon to drizzle a small amount around the edge where the fork meets the cakeball so that there was no filling showing.

After dipping them I topped them with sprinkles and let them harden.

This happens to be a Funfetti batch mixed with vanilla icing and topped with vanilla coating.  I also made a batch of Oreo cake pops for the fundraiser.

I wrapped each on individually with cling wrap and curling ribbon.

I hope this post was helpful!  Let me know if you ever try out fork cake pops :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

DIY Shaving Lotion

Back Story: I'm not the most frugal person out there, but I definitely don't like overpaying for things when you can find a cheaper brand that does the trick just as well.  So, in an attempt to find the cheapest shampoo and conditioner without compromising quality I went a little too far and bought some VERY disappointing products.  I have had these bottles of barely used shampoo and conditioner in my guest bathroom for what I can only imagine is about two years. 

 Real Story: I've seen Pins for DIY shaving creams and lotions before, but I never really had any desire to follow through with one until I came across this one:

The picture (which is too incredibly huge to post) showed the main ingredients: Shampoo, Conditioner, Baby Oil, and Lotion. I immediately pictured those bottles in my upstairs bathroom and thought that I would finally have a reason to use them.  Don't ask me why I never just threw them out!
I've never really used shaving cream because I am not too fond of the rust circle that comes with keeping a can of shaving cream in a wet shower.  (And if I stored it elsewhere I would guarantee you that I would never remember to use it.)  However, I am well aware of the benefits of using something other than cheap body wash before scraping leg hair off with a metal blade!  OUCH!

So, DIY Shaving Lotion seemed like an answer to all of my problems!

Here is what you need:

1 cup conditioner
1 cup shampoo
5 TBSP baby oil
5 TBSP lotion

And here are the directions for the easiest Pin I have ever completed:

(NOTE: I went ahead and doubled the recipe since I had about 16 oz of the shampoo and conditioner left and wanted to get it all used at once!)

 Combine shampoo and conditioner.

Add lotion and baby oil.

Mix well and let sit for one hour.

In the meantime I rinsed and dried the empty shampoo and conditioner bottles.

I re-labeled them just for the heck of it.

 Then I used a funnel to refill them with the new concoction.

 And there you have it... the easiest Pin ever!  I don't have any 'in use' photos because shower photos would be creepy, but I will say that it works much nicer than body wash and leaves my legs feeling less beat up after a shave!

Would I recommend this Pin to a friend?  YES